How Babies Learn to Talk A baby learns to talk by listening to voices and sounds. Soon your baby will begin to make sounds to tell you how she feels or what he wants. Babies develop at their own rate. Some babies will do things at a very young age, while others will take a little longer. Here are some things that most babies do. Very young babies (up to 3 months old): - make noises (e.g. coos, gurgles)
- turn towards a new sound
- jump at a loud noise
- are calmed when you speak in a gentle voice
- smile at you.
By 6 months, your baby: - turns to source of sounds
- startles in response to sudden, loud noises
- makes different cries for different needs - I'm hungry, I'm tired
- watches your face as you talk
- smiles and laughs in response to your smiles and laughs
- imitates coughs or other sounds - ah, eh, buh
What you can do to help a young baby learn - Talk to your baby a lot when you are washing, dressing or feeding him.
- Sing songs or nursery rhymes.
- Play simple games like "peek-a-boo".
- Show your child picture books and talk about what you see.
By 9 months, your baby - responds to his name
- responds to the telephone ringing or a knock at the door
- understands being told "no"
- gets what she wants through gestures, e.g. reaching to be picked up
- plays social games with you, e.g. peek-a-boo
By 12 months, your baby - follows simple one-step directions - "sit down"
- looks across the room to something you point to
- consistently uses three to five words
- uses gestures to communicate - waves "bye bye", shakes head "no"
- gets your attention using sounds, gestures and pointing while looking at your eyes
- brings you toys to show you
- "performs" for attention and praise
- combines lots of sounds as though talking - abada baduh abee
- shows interest in simple picture books
Babies like it when you: - Get down to their level so they can see your face. This tells them that you're interested in what they're doing and saying. It makes it easier to interact with them.
- Repeat the sounds they make. Babies enjoy making noises and they like it when you imitate them over and over.
- Sing and laugh, especially when you are feeding, bathing and changing them. Remember to talk to your baby throughout the day about things you do and see:
· Mommy's putting on her coat. · That's a big truck. - Tell them the names of the objects they are looking at and playing with. Babies are interested in exploring and learning about new things, and like to hear what things are called.
By 18 months, your toddler - understands the concepts of "in and out", "off and on"
- points to several body parts when asked
- uses at least 20 words consistently
- responds with words or gestures to simple questions -
· Where's teddy? · What's that? - Demonstrates some pretend play with toys -
- gives teddy a drink
- pretends a bowl is a hat
- makes at least four different consonant sounds - p, b, m, n, d, g, w h
- enjoys being read to and looking at simple books with you
- points to pictures using one finger
By 24 months, your toddler - follows two-step directions -
- Go find your teddy bear and show it to Grandma.
- Uses 100 to 150 words uses at least two pronouns - "you", "me", "mine"
- consistently combines two to four words in short phrases - "daddy hat", "truck go down"
- enjoys being with other children
- begins to offer toys to peers and imitates other children's actions and words
- people can understand your child's words 50 to 60 per cent of the time
- forms words and sounds easily and effortlessly
- holds books the right way up and turns pages
- "reads" to stuffed animals or toys
- scribbles with crayons
How you can you help your child learn at this age - Talk to your child simply, clearly and slowly.
- Look at your child when he or she talks to you. Praise your child's efforts to talk.
- Play children's music and share stories with your child.
- Talk about new places and experiences, before you go, while you are there, and when you get home.
- Expand what the child says. If the child says, "dog", you say, "big dog".
- Use actions when doing nursery rhymes.
By 30 months, your toddler - understands the concepts of size (big/little) and quantity (a little, a lot, more)
- uses some adult grammar - "two cookies", "bird flying", "I jumped"
- uses more than 350 words
- uses action words - run, spill, fall
- begins taking short turns with other children, using both toys and words
- shows concern when another child is hurt or sad
- combines several actions in play - feeds doll then puts her to sleep; puts blocks in train then drives train and drops blocks off
- puts sounds at the start of most words
- produces words with two or more syllables or beats - "ba-na-na", "com-pu-ter", "a-pple"
- recognizes familiar logos and signs - McDonalds golden arches, stop sign
- remembers and understands familiar stories
Toddlers like it when you: - Let them touch and hold books while you point to and name the pictures.
- Use real words instead of baby talk - "give me" instead of ta ta or "bottle" instead of baba.
- Take the time to listen to them - they want you to hear all of their new sounds, words and ideas.
- Give them simple directions to follow -
- Go find your red boots.
- Use lots of different words when you talk to them - opposite words like up/down, in/out; actions words like "running", "splashing", and descriptive words like "happy", "big", "little", "clean", "dirty
- Encourage them to play with other children - at the library, playgroups, park.
How a Child's Speech and Language Develops Between the ages of 2 and 5 years, most children learn a great deal. The number of words they can say increases quickly. They talk more and they ask lots of questions. They enjoy listening to stories and music. Often they will ask you to read the same story over and over again. Sometimes they will remember the words so well it will seem like they can almost read. By the time your child is ready to go to school, he or she should be able to speak and listen well. Learning about sounds is preparing your child for reading and writing later on. By age 3, your child - understands "who", "what", "where" and "why" questions
- creates long sentences, using 5 to 8 words
- talks about past events - trip to grandparents' house, day at childcare
- tells simple stories
- shows affection for favourite playmates
- engages in multi-step pretend play - cooking a meal, repairing a car
- is understood by most people outside of the family, most of the time
- is aware of the function of print - in menus, lists, signs
- has a beginning interest in, and awareness of, rhyming
3-year-olds like it when you - Give them different materials to encourage drawing and scribbling, including chalk, pencils, crayons, markers, finger paints.
- Use descriptive words such as colours and opposites (hot/cold, big/little, fast/slow) as well as action words (flying, splashing, running) when you are talking with them.
- Give them extra time to share their ideas.
- Give them choices - about what foods to eat, toys to play with, clothes to wear.
- Model correct sounds and grammar for them - child says "he wunned" and you say "yes, he ran".
- Read books that are predictable and repetitive - pause to give the child a chance to fill in the words and phrases.
- Play and pretend with them! They may like acting out scenes from their favourite videos, pretending to eat in a restaurant or to be a teacher or firefighter.
By age 4, your child - follows some directions involving 3 or more steps -
- First get some paper, then draw a picture, last give it to mom.
- uses adult-type grammar
- tells stories with a clear beginning, middle and end
- talks to try to solve problems with adults and other children
- demonstrates increasingly complex imaginative play
- is understood by strangers almost all of the time
- is able to generate simple rhymes - "cat-bat"
- matches some letters with their sounds - "letter T says tuh"
4-year-olds like it when you: - Give them lots of opportunities to play with other children - at the library, the park, the Early Years Centre. Sometimes they like having just one or two friends over to your home to play.
- Point out words in books and run your finger under words while you read to them.
- Talk about the order of events -
- First we wash our hands, then we have a snack and last we put our dishes in the sink.
- Encourage them to tell their own stories - by asking them to tell you about their day, to describe a movie they watched, to tell you about their favourite book.
- Read books rhyming words - "mouse/house", and point out sounds at the start of words -
- Mommy starts with the 'mmm' sound - that's the letter M.
By age 5, your child - follows group directions -
- understands directions involving "if . then" -
- If you're wearing runners, then line up for gym.
- describes past, present and future events in detail
- seeks to please his/her friends
- shows increasing independence in friendships -
- may visit your neighbour on his own
- uses almost all of the sounds of their language with few to no errors
- knows all the letters of the alphabet
- identifies the sounds at the beginning of some words - Pop starts with the 'puh' sound
5-year-olds like it when you: - Use new and more complex words - "before/after", "rough/smooth", "easy/difficult", "between/bedside", "same/different".
- Talk about numbers and the quantity of objects - "a lot/a little", "more/less", "one/many".
- Ask them to predict what will happen next - What do you think will happen when Sam opens his birthday present? - and explain the reasons behind choices - Why do we need to wear our coats today?
- Take turns telling each other stories using the pictures in books - children like to hear you talk and then want a turn to create their own version of the story.
- Let them help plan events. Talk about what you need to do before a birthday party, or how to get ready to go to the zoo. Ask your child "why" and "how" questions as you talk.
Ask them to help. Your child will enjoy helping you bake cookies, set the table, sort laundry, etc. Give them instructions and see if they can tell you the steps. |
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